A UGen that converts an audio-rate trigger input into a control-rate trigger
output. A trigger occurs when a signal changes from less than or equal to zero
to greater than zero. The UGen behaves strangely in that for a rising slope
input signal, it will report the maximum value seen within the calculation
block, but if the slope extends to the next block, it will output that second's
block maximum value again instead of waiting for a fall to <= 0.
// down-sample audio-rate dust
play {
val trig = T2K.kr(Dust.ar(4))
Trig.kr(trig, 0.1) * SinOsc.ar(800) * 0.1
A UGen that converts an audio-rate trigger input into a control-rate trigger output. A trigger occurs when a signal changes from less than or equal to zero to greater than zero. The UGen behaves strangely in that for a rising slope input signal, it will report the maximum value seen within the calculation block, but if the slope extends to the next block, it will output that second's block maximum value again instead of waiting for a fall to <= 0.