A UGen which generates a trigger anytime a control bus is set.
Any time the bus is "touched" i.e. has its value set (using "/c_set" etc.), a
single impulse trigger will be generated. Its amplitude is the value that the
bus was set to. Note that if a signal is continuously written to that bus, for
instance using Out.kr , only one initial trigger is generated once that ugen
starts writing, but no successive triggers are generated.
// envelope triggerval c = Bus.control(s)
val x = play {
val tr = InTrig.kr(c.index)
SinOsc.ar * EnvGen.kr(Env.perc, gate = tr, levelScale = tr)
x.free(); c.free()
the number of channels (i.e. adjacent buses) to read
in. Since this is a constant, a change in number of
channels of the underlying bus must be reflected by
creating different SynthDefs.
A UGen which generates a trigger anytime a control bus is set.
Any time the bus is "touched" i.e. has its value set (using
etc.), a single impulse trigger will be generated. Its amplitude is the value that the bus was set to. Note that if a signal is continuously written to that bus, for instance usingOut.kr
, only one initial trigger is generated once that ugen starts writing, but no successive triggers are generated.Examples