demand-rate ugen (or other ugen) returning level values
demand-rate ugen (or other ugen) returning duration values
demand-rate ugen (or other ugen) returning shape number for the envelope segment.
demand-rate ugen (or other ugen) returning curvature values. these are used for curveShape segments (shape number 5) and should be zero for other shapes.
a control rate gate: if gate is x >= 1, the ugen runs. if gate is 0 > x > 1, the ugen is released at the next level (according to doneAction). if gate is x <= 0, the ugen is sampled and held.
a trigger signal. a trigger occurs when passing from non-positive to positive. when the trigger amplitude is < 1, the input ugens (those that are demand-rated) are reset when the current segment ends. if the trigger amplitude is > 1, the reset is performed immediately.
demand-rate ugen returning level scaling values
demand-rate ugen returning level offset values
demand-rate ugen returning time scaling values
a done action performed when one of the demand-rated series ends
An envelope generator UGen using demand-rate inputs for the envelope segments. For each parameter of the envelope (levels, durations and shapes), values are polled every time a new segment starts.